
.env file

To get started, you need a .env file with secrets. A script is provided to generate this file with new secrets:

sh script/

If the script succeeds, it will print ".env file generation complete."

Development mode

To use development mode, activate the docker-compose override file:

cp docker-compose.override.yml.sample docker-compose.override.yml
docker-compose build

Booting up

If you have Docker on your machine, run:

docker-compose up

It can then be accessed at http://localhost:3001/

API Documentation

The Swagger docs are generated from the RSpec tests in spec/controllers/api To rebuild the swagger docs:

docker-compose run rails bundle exec rails rswag


You can check the licenses of unaccepted dependencies using:

bundle exec license_finder

To add accepted licenses:

bundle exec license_finder permitted_licenses add MIT

ETL and Kiba

This project uses the Kiba gem for scalable and maintainable data processing.

This talk contains a short, clear explanation of how Kiba works.


  • Don't insert rows one by one - use bulk insert.
  • Skip activerecord validations because they are too slow, find other ways to validate data.
  • Fail fast; raise an exception and stop on failure rather than trying to carry on and creating bad data.


To run Rubocop, and listen for file changes:

docker-compose run rails bundle exec guard

Just press enter to run the whole test suite straight away.

Code Coverage

After running the test suite, open the coverage/index.html file in a web browser to check what code is covered by the tests.

open coverage/index.html


To access a 'binding.pry' debugging point, run with:

docker-compose run --service-ports api

Model Annotation

To annotate rails models with schema run

docker-compose run rails bundle exec annotate --models

Accessing the database console

To access the MySQL database console:

docker-compose exec db bash
mysql -u root -p
(enter root password)
show databases;
use esr_api_development;
SELECT * FROM person_records;


The application does not currently send any emails.


Stop containers but do not remove them:

docker-compose stop

Stop containers and remove them:

docker-compose down --remove-orphans

Testing an import

If you need to compare 2 files, e.g. an export from ESR and an export form another system, you can compare the 2 files like this:

cd spec/fixtures/file_diffing

This will print out any lines which appear in spec/fixtures/left_hand_file and not in spec/fixtures/right_hand_file.


After a bug is fixed (0.0.x), a new feature is added (0.x.0), or a breaking change is introduced(x.0.0), please:

  • Bump the relevant version number in config/initializers/version.rb
  • Add brief notes about the changes to
  • Add a git tag to the merge commit in the format v0.1.0:
    git checkout master
    git pull
    git tag v0.1.0 && git push --tags
  • Add a release on Github using the tag number (for example) v0.1.0 as the title and the changelog info as the description.